Bestselling romance author Nana Malone took the expression “be the change you want to see in the world” and ran with it, straight to the cover of her own books! Her Kobo Originals The Spy in 3B launched on May 25, and she not only wrote a really hot page-turner, she appears on the cover art.
The Spy in 3B is a fun spy caper featuring neighbours Lyra and Marcus, who are not only hot for each other, they happen to be rival undercover agents. Lyra is a kick ass heroine, with serious La Femme Nikita vibes, and her story is a sultry summer escape read.
I had a wonderful conversation with Nana Malone about representation and diversity in romance, what we can do to amplify the power of women of colour in the industry, and the fun she had on the set for the shoot for the cover.