SNEAK PEEK MERGER (An Arranged Marriage Romance)


He covered the mouthpiece and whispered, “Hey, love, I’m going to be on this call a minute. Is it urgent?”

I nodded, perching myself on the edge of his desk. One thing I could always count on with Atticus was that his desk was going to be pristine. His giant monitor, his pens, pencils, and keyboard, a file for incoming and outgoing mail, and that was it.

And now you.

“I’ll wait,” I whispered back.

His brows furrowed as if he could tell that I was up to something but wasn’t sure quite what or how it was going to affect him. But he kept talking and asking questions about expected projections and future plans for some technology.

I watched his profile as he spoke. The jaw that had been chiseled by the gods, the full lips. His patrician nose. The deep-set wintergreen eyes of his that I had grown to love. The way they were framed and nestled by thick, sooty lashes that were even curlier than mine.

God, I loved this man. My gaze traced over his neck and his Adam’s apple that moved and bobbed as he spoke.

I had to press my thighs together to quell some of the throbbing. Before Atticus, I rarely thought about sex. It never even entered into my mind. I always thought maybe I was demisexual or something. I just was never particularly interested.

After Atticus, apparently it was all I thought about it.

I shifted slightly, parting my thighs and allowing my skirt to rise up a couple of inches. That caught his attention. His eyes darted to my knees, stayed there for just a moment, and then darted away. It was the tick of his jaw that told me I had him.

I opted to try something.

And what if he rejects you again?

So what if he did? I knew he wanted me. And he was my husband, so I wasn’t just going to give up. We needed to get over this hump.

I silently snorted a laugh to myself, earning me a lifted brow from him. And his gaze dipped back to my bare legs.

This time, as he spoke on the phone, I parted my legs wider, hiking my skirt up just a little bit more.

This time his gaze lasted longer, and his tongue peeked out to lick his lower lip.

I slid my hand up my thigh, pushing my skirt up higher. With some maneuvering, I hooked the thumb of my good arm in my panties, wiggling and pushing to get them off.

Despite still murmuring his assent on the phone, his gaze was pinned to the juncture of my thighs as I shimmied my panties down my legs and kicked them into his lap. His eyes widened slightly as he noted how soaked they were, but he still didn’t take himself off the call.

I hooked one leg around him and let my thighs fall apart. I could feel my arousal trickle down my inner thigh, and so help me, I wanted him to see it. Wanted him to know just how much he affected me.

For a moment, he didn’t say anything, but his voice was decidedly huskier when he spoke. “I need those numbers from you first thing in the morning. You’re right, we need to prioritize that merger.”

I slid my hand down between my thighs, coating my index finger in the wetness between my lips. 

His gaze was fixed on my fingers, his brow furrowing slightly even as he continued his call with gritted teeth. My heart pounded madly in my chest. I had never done anything this bold before, but the idea of Atticus watching me, of showing him just how much I wanted him… It was intoxicating.

“Yes,” he said into the receiver, his voice low and tense. “Run those numbers for me.”

My finger circled around my sensitive nub, eliciting a quiet gasp from my lips. Atticus never broke his gaze away from my actions, and his eyes darkened with desire and surprise. He was still talking through the phone, although his voice was lower, raspier.

As my fingers dipped lower, making contact with my arousal, my breath hitched. My fingers moved rhythmically, creating pleasurable sensations that left me whimpering in need. Atticus’s gaze was glued to my movements, watching as I let myself go under his watchful eyes, his desire evident there.

Atticus seemed momentarily stunned into silence, and I reveled in it. His hand on the receiver was shaking slightly, and he cleared his throat before continuing with the call in a rather strained voice, but his wintergreen eyes never left me.

“All right then, Joshua,” he managed to say without stuttering too much. “I expect that report on my desk tomorrow.”

His free hand grabbed the edge of the desk so hard that his knuckles turned white as he watched me pleasure myself on his pristine desk. He was barely holding onto his composure as I moaned softly under my breath, falling deeper into the sensations.

I slid a second finger inside me and started to slide them in and out, mimicking the way he would fuck me. 

With a final goodbye, Atticus hurriedly concluded the call and tossed the phone aside without a second thought.

“Gwen.” He breathed out my name as if it were a prayer. “Goddammit. What in the hell are you trying to do to me?”